Monday, December 15, 2008

World Snowboard Day


Everybody start gearin' up. EuroSIMA and the World Snowboard Federation present the third edition of the World Snowboard Day on Sunday, December 21st 2008. At participating mountains you could enjoy a whole variety of snowboarding activities for FREE. Includes environmental awareness, product testing, demos, contests to win sweet stuff, concerts, parties and whatever else that specific mountain has lined up for you and your knuckle dragging friends.
Here are some participating mountains in the United States .... Check out or for some more information and a list of other mountains from all over the world!

-Kirkwood is offering $55 tickets and deals on demos 12/21
-Tamarack is offering 2 for 1 lift tickets with an on-line coupon 12/21
-Mountain Creek
-Winter Park
-Seven Springs

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