Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Art Attack!!!

Feeling like your art supply has been running dangerously low lately? Then have no fear! New Haven's 11th Annual City Wide Open Studios will provide a gluttenous amount of creative treats for your satisfaction.

Over the past eleven years, CWOS has drawn thousands of visitors to explore New Haven’s neighborhoods while discovering artists, galleries, and revamping perceptions of the city.
This year CWOS features one big festival weekend, October 2 – 5, activating five neighborhoods in New Haven with local artist's open studios, temporary open space studios and 15 artists-in-residence in each community.
Centrally located in downtown New Haven, Artspace hosts a main City Wide Open Studios exhibition, featuring the work of 150 artists highlighting the best CWOS has to offer. New this year will be the addition of a printed CWOS Artist Directory, featuring a full-page artist profile on each participant, available at Artspace year-round as a lasting guide to CWOS artists.

Check out the link below for further information:



Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, too bad I'll be out of town this weekend.

Anonymous said...

what does art really have to do with enclave? i would suggest leaving the art talk to that other skateboard art shop in new haven and stick with what you know best. stop trying so hard and be a little more relevant with your content otherwise you seem as fake as all your all your myspace friends.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You Guys must be doing really well if someone is up 4:43 am to be writing hate post on your blog.