Wednesday, March 25, 2009

US Open '09 Recap

This past week in Stratton, VT was Burton's US Open. A week-long snowboarding event that brings people from both coasts and foreign countries together once a year. It was a good time to see old friends, make new friends and as usual, it was a constant party. RJD2 performed Friday night after the quarter pipe finals and Santogold killed it on Saturday after the half pipe!
On Saturday, March 21 Danny Kass took home his 5th US Open Halfpipe title and Torah Bright earned her third. Sunday held the slopestyle competition,
Chas Guldemond (USA) and Kjersti Oestgaard Buaas (NOR) won slope style finals and $20,000 each. Chas Guldemond and Jamie Anderson (USA) are the new Burton Global Open Series Champions, each taking home $100,000. Check out for more information and details!

Here are some pictures from the crazy weekend........
Photobucket Photobucket
Santogold: Photobucket
RJD2 + Crowd: Photobucket

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