So... if your spandex snow pants that you walk around the village in aren't enough, please feel free to add this wonderful, woolly accessory to your wardrobe. They even give you descriptions... to look Posh in Aspen or Funky in Boulder....
To look POSH in ASPEN order this one:
Or if you are feeling funky, try the 'funky in boulder' look.... Cause isn't this what you want to wear after a day of pow turns?
They even have east coast looks named after Stowe. Which makes you look like the Yetti that no one has been able to catch yet. And if you think these are for skiers only, well you're wrong!
Rock 'em with your snowpants to get that ever-sexy boxy look that most women try to avoid. You can also tell she is an experienced rider with her stance and angles... Imagine Kelly Clark or Hannah Teter rocking these? Maybe they can also pick up a sponsorship with Boot chic.
Big in cougar land i'm sure. Check out the website and they show you other ways you can wear these. Soccer practice, aerobics class, shopping, with a skirt, jeans... you name it, boot chic allows it. Maybe i'll start rockin' these next season and start taking myself very seriously. Seriously.